Friday, November 5, 2010

Home-Milling for Health and Budget

Donna Miller is a wife, mother, author, teacher and entrepenuer. After years of study in the areas of nutrition, homemaking and back-to-basics living, Donna is delighted to share her trials and triumphs of learning to mill and cook with whole grains and tips to saving money. Sharing what she has learned is her passion. Her husband and she enjoy homesteading as well as traveling to share the joys of baking and creating nutritious foods and great memories for the family. The Millers own and operate Millers Grain House, an online Organic and Chemical-free Whole Grain store.

See more tips free at:

Friday, June 18, 2010

Okay - again I had forgotten this blog...

Until I went to visit someone's blog I wanted to follow and was prompted to choose 'how' (by what identity) I would follow - I had totally forgotten this blog exisited...yes, again.....

Could it be because I already have too many blog irons in the fire?

Yeah...that MIGHT BE THE PROBLEM....